How to Create a Chat App with Firebase

Creating a chat application is a fun and practical way to understand various aspects of mobile app development, including real-time data synchronization, user authentication, and database management. Firebase is an excellent tool for this purpose, as it offers a comprehensive suite of backend services, including Firestore (a NoSQL database), Firebase Authentication, and Firebase Cloud Messaging. In this guide, we will walk through the process of building a fully functional chat app using Firebase.

1. Introduction to Firebase

Firebase is a Backend-as-a-Service (BaaS) platform that provides developers with various services for creating scalable applications without having to manage servers. Firebase offers real-time database synchronization, authentication, file storage, hosting, analytics, and more. By using Firebase in your chat app, you can focus on building the user interface and user experience while Firebase handles the heavy lifting on the backend.

2. Prerequisites

Before we dive into the code, you need the following:

  • A basic understanding of Android/iOS development (Java/Kotlin for Android or Swift for iOS).
  • Familiarity with Firebase and Google Cloud Console.
  • An installed version of Android Studio or Xcode.
  • Basic knowledge of NoSQL databases and Firebase services.

For this article, we will be focusing on the Android implementation using Firebase.

3. Setting up Firebase

Step 1: Create a Firebase Project

  1. Go to Firebase Console and log in with your Google account.
  2. Click on Add Project and give your project a name (e.g., ChatApp).
  3. Follow the on-screen instructions to create the project.
  4. Once the project is created, click Continue to access the Firebase dashboard.

Step 2: Add Firebase to Your Android App

  1. On the Firebase Console, click Android to add a new Android app to your project.
  2. Enter the package name of your app and download the google-services.json file.
  3. Move the google-services.json file into the app/ directory of your Android project.
  4. Add Firebase SDK dependencies in the build.gradle file:
   dependencies {
       // Firebase SDK
       implementation platform('')
       implementation ''
       implementation ''
  1. Sync your project with Gradle.

4. Configuring Firebase Authentication

For a chat app, user authentication is crucial to identify who is sending and receiving messages. Firebase Authentication supports multiple sign-in methods, such as email/password and third-party providers (e.g., Google, Facebook).

Step 1: Enable Email Authentication

  1. Go to Authentication in the Firebase Console and click on Sign-in method.
  2. Enable the Email/Password provider.

Step 2: Implement Firebase Authentication in Your App

In your app’s login screen, use Firebase Authentication to register or log in users.

FirebaseAuth auth = FirebaseAuth.getInstance();

// Register a new user
auth.createUserWithEmailAndPassword(email, password)
    .addOnCompleteListener(task -> {
        if (task.isSuccessful()) {
            FirebaseUser user = auth.getCurrentUser();
            // Navigate to the chat screen
        } else {
            // Handle registration error

// Log in an existing user
auth.signInWithEmailAndPassword(email, password)
    .addOnCompleteListener(task -> {
        if (task.isSuccessful()) {
            FirebaseUser user = auth.getCurrentUser();
            // Navigate to the chat screen
        } else {
            // Handle login error

5. Setting up Firestore for Data Storage

Firestore, Firebase’s cloud-based NoSQL database, will be used to store chat messages. Firestore enables real-time data synchronization, ensuring that users can see messages instantly.

Step 1: Create Firestore Collections

Firestore organizes data in collections and documents. For a chat app, we will create the following structure:

        - message: String
        - senderID: String
        - timestamp: Timestamp

Step 2: Add Firestore SDK to Your App

Add the Firestore SDK to your project by adding the following line to your build.gradle file:

implementation ''

Step 3: Sending Messages to Firestore

To send a message, create a Message object and write it to Firestore.

FirebaseFirestore db = FirebaseFirestore.getInstance();

// Create a new message object
Message message = new Message("Hello, World!", senderID, new Date());

// Add the message to the "chats" collection
    .addOnSuccessListener(documentReference -> {
        // Message sent successfully
    .addOnFailureListener(e -> {
        // Handle error

Step 4: Reading Messages from Firestore

To display messages in real-time, listen for changes in the Firestore database.

    .orderBy("timestamp", Query.Direction.ASCENDING)
    .addSnapshotListener((snapshots, e) -> {
        if (e != null) {
            // Handle error

        for (DocumentChange dc : snapshots.getDocumentChanges()) {
            switch (dc.getType()) {
                case ADDED:
                    // A new message was added
                    Message newMessage = dc.getDocument().toObject(Message.class);
                    // Update the UI to display the message
                case MODIFIED:
                    // A message was modified
                case REMOVED:
                    // A message was removed

6. Designing the User Interface (UI)

For the UI, you can create two main screens:

  1. Login/Registration Screen: Allows users to register or log in.
  2. Chat Screen: Displays a list of messages and an input field for sending new messages.

Step 1: Create the Login/Registration Screen

Use a ConstraintLayout to design the login screen, with EditText fields for email and password, and a button for logging in or registering.

    android:hint="Email" />

    android:inputType="textPassword" />

    android:text="Log In" />

Step 2: Create the Chat Screen

In the chat screen, use a RecyclerView to display the list of messages, and a TextInputLayout for sending new messages.

    android:orientation="vertical" />


        android:hint="Type a message" />


    android:text="Send" />

7. Sending and Receiving Messages

Now that the UI is set up, you can integrate message sending and receiving. When a user types a message and presses the send button, the app will send the message to Firestore.

sendButton.setOnClickListener(v -> {
    String messageText = messageInput.getText().toString();
    if (!messageText.isEmpty()) {

8. Implementing Push Notifications

Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) allows you to send notifications to users when they receive a new message, even if the app is in the background.

Step 1: Enable FCM in Firebase Console

  1. Go to the Firebase Console and select your project.
  2. Under the Cloud Messaging tab, enable push notifications.

Step 2: Add FCM SDK to Your App

implementation ''

Step 3: Implement Notification Handling in Your App

public class MyFirebaseMessagingService extends FirebaseMessagingService {
public void onMessageReceived(RemoteMessage remoteMessage) {
// Show notification when a new message is received

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